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Decoding the New Seats-based Pricing Model from HubSpot

Written by Gabriel (Gabe) McCarthy | May 12, 2024

In case you haven't heard, HubSpot has ditched its pricing tiers and transitioned to a seats-based pricing model. The difference? We'll cut right to it. Read on for the key changes in HubSpot's new pricing model, explained by a HubSpot Certified Partner.

What exactly is a "seats-based model"?

It's actually a lot simpler than it sounds. Under the new model, HubSpot customers only pay for the seats (or users) they really need, rather than purchasing predefined bundles. This shift in pricing structure allows businesses to start small and add more seats as they grow, without paying for capabilities they don't require (yet).

Let's back up for a moment. To be clear, a seat is "the manner and level of access your users have to your subscription services", says HubSpot. They now offer a range of seat types that provide different access to what a business has subscribed to.

Those seat types include:

  • Core seats — these provide access to the features and tools purchased
  • Sales seats — these provide access to Sales Hub
  • Service seats — these provide access to Service Hub
  • View-only seats — are exactly that. Users can look, but they cannot edit. 

Each type of seat caters to specific roles and responsibilities within an organization, ensuring users can access the HubSpot tools they need to perform their jobs. You can assign seats as it makes sense for each user. So, the real change is that businesses can optimize their investment in HubSpot by providing the right tools to the right people.

Watch the latest episode of Under the Hood as we dive into this topic further. 

Benefits of HubSpot's new pricing model

For many HubSpot customers, the core benefit of this change is cost optimization. 

By paying only for the seats they need — nothing more —businesses can avoid overpaying for unused capabilities. In some cases, budgets can even be reallocated where they'll have a greater impact. We also know software cost reduction can be particularly impactful for small and medium-sized entities trying to scale with limited resources. And when they do scale, HubSpot scales with them. 

But you don't have to be a startup to see the benefits. HubSpot's new pricing affords every business the flexibility to adapt its HubSpot usage as its needs evolve.

Got HubSpot? Get your hands on the new HubSpot Hacks Guide for 2024, designed to empower teams and maximize your investment. 

What happens if I'm an existing customer?

Existing HubSpot customers can rest assured that they will be grandfathered into their current pricing plans. However, if they are interested in taking advantage of the new seats-based model, they have the option to discuss the transition with their HubSpot representative or partner.

Engaging in early discussions will clarify the potential cost savings and enhanced flexibility available. This can provide peace of mind for those interested in exploring the benefits of the pricing change. 

Take advantage of new-found flexibility 

HubSpot's shift to a seats-based pricing model is a major shakeup, but the good news is, control is in your hands. You'll only have to pay for the seats you need, when you need them, with the option to scale as you grow. And by tailoring access to suit your business, you're effectively optimizing your expenses, and investment in HubSpot. 

If you are an existing customer, be sure to talk to your HubSpot representative or HubSpot certified partner to understand how the changes may affect you. 

Any questions? Fire away!